Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rockwell Bowl

Today at my school (rockwell) we had some games that we signed up to be on teams. Then to day we had an assembly and we played the games with people who watched! we had 2 teams and we played a game were you have to put a tooth pick in your mouth and then you have a life savor and you have to pass it on with the tooth picks that are in your mouth. then we played one were you have a person on a skate bored and a long bored then one holds on and you go acrossed the gym. then there was one were 2 people from the teams went up and see how many big marsmelows in your mouth and still be able to say chuby bunny. the other 2 people from the team had to shave a balloon with out poping it. then the last one we had to spin arund with our heads on a spagetti noodle 10 times then run across the room and when i was doing it i started to run and then fell befor i even started to run then we had to do 10 jumping jacks. my team wone they were so much fun i loved it!!

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